The basic Progressiventures “Philosophy” for inspired and effective Enterprise Learning includes the following objectives we help our clients with:
“Cognitive,” “Constructivist,” “Humanist,” “Motivational,” and many other learning theory models inform how we approach knowledge-distribution and learning systems design challenges. That is because it is indeed a multi-dimensional challenge we face in learning and knowledge management every day: 1) we need to get specific knowledge out accountably to the right stakeholders; 2) we have to constantly explore which methods, media, messages, incentives, etc. will best motivate today’s target audiences to actively seek understanding of this key material; and 3) we have to deploy each learning system in a way that stimulates users to employ the information in their specific workplaces productively and with intention. Click below for a more detailed discussion on how different learning systems theories interact in these many dimensions to help us work with you to produce breakthrough innovations in training, education and key stakeholder outreach.